These feelings are very familiar.

These days are bringing back memories. I want life to stop for J. Everyone should just stop because he's having it so hard. He shouldn't have to go work, no one should pressure him, everyone should just tune in to his needs because he's lost someone dear to him. And these feelings are very familiar I tell you. But from experience I also know that nothing like this happens. Life goes on, some people even wonder why you're so cut up and you're still expected to work, deliver, function and cope. At the moment I'm proof reading a story I have due today. Someone I had to interview is supposed to email me back with some information but although I've conveyed the fact that my deadline is today to her several times she doesn't seem to care. So I'm going to have to plan for worst case scenario, while sitting at the newspaper until the 12th hour hoping she'll email me. One part of this writing business is definitely being dependent on people and running people down for your story, I dislike it intensely but that's the way of the game I suppose.

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