Baby me'd a buy yu a topless Hummer...

There's something to having a car with a non-functioning air conditioning unit, is nuff joke you get in traffic at evening time. Don't get me wrong there's also a scary side to it, with all these people selling stuff, walking up and down between the cars, who knows what might happen but that's why I tuck my handbag on the backseat out of sight... Anyway, today on Maxfield Avenue--or maybe that part before Half Way Tree is still Eastwood Park Road--and I had this man who was selling air freshners telling me how he was going to buy me a Hummer. So I said, "No thank you, I'm fine."

Man: Alright then, a topless (convertible) Hummer.

Me: No, really I'm okay.

Man: Is what you want then...

Me: Nothing... I'm good.

[as I was driving off] Man: I'll buy you a private jet then! You can get a small plane.

Remember there are three lanes of traffic on this road and let me tell you everybody else was cracking up with laughter. And poor me I was just looking for the doughnut man to get some jelly doughnuts to take home. PMS has me craving all manner of sweets. The daaaarling that J is he brought me not one but three packs of fun size Butterfinger bars. So I've put them in the fridge to firm up and I'll snack on those later rather than going out to buy a sundae.


Anonymous said...

i have no idea what butterfingers are, but DAMN does it sound good, pass me one please?? :)

slybabyk said...

ROFL you don't know about Butterfingers? Goodness gracious, get someone to send you some (I'm not sharing mine! heheheheh) no seriously though, they're fantastic :)