Dream Interrupted

Have you ever had a good dream interrupted and wanted to just take out your frustrations on the alarm clock or the phone? This morning after I woke up to tell my father that the garbage truck was here I fell back into a deep sleep and started to dream about being in a desert war zone and I mean complete anarchy. It was like a stone structure that was being defended but there was schrapnel and all manner of burning debris all over the place. For some reason I was following around this white British journalist guy, who seemed to be covering what was happening. I knew I was walking around looking for J but I couldn't find him... for some reason I wasn't too worried though because I just knew that he'd be okay, so I wasn't even checking any of the bodies on the sand to see if any were his.

Anyway, this walking around goes on and on and something finally culminates in a helicopter crash but once again I'm not concerned because I know J is okay. The British journalist turns to me and asks me if I'm not going to pick up this medic uniform patch that's lying and a broken down wall. I ask him why ever for; first of all it's not J's patch and I know he's okay so I don't need any momentos. Then I look across the sand and I see my Aunt Peggy's green corolla approaching at knots, with her in the passenger seat. It comes to a stop and my Moms gets out in this killer summery pants suit outfit... I dash over as she gets out and get my hug... and then the phone rings...

Now, okay, I've thought about this and the phone ringing might not have been a bad thing. Normally the few times I've dreamt about my Moms a few minutes into our interaction, I get upset and tell her that she's dead, not supposed to be here, gone and left me, something like that and then she leaves the dream and I get very upset and depressed for awhile. So ending on a high note like this is actually a good thing... it was cool to see Aunty Peggy as well (she died in 1999); I know Moms is up there socializing and having fun and now I'm in a VERY good mood :-)


Anonymous said...

Just letting you know I passed through.
Mark (PS)

slybabyk said...

hey Mark! you need to send me the link to your blog again. i thought i'd bookmarked it but i can't find it.