True words...

"u surround yourself with people who will validate how u feel about urself"

One of my friends and I had a good conversation about that comment, we're still having in it fact, but I had to take time out to blog this. My reply to that statement was:

"that's why ppl keep ending up in the same kinds of relationships because they don't realise they're just finding people to treat them the way they unconsciously feel they deserve"

Interestingly enough, if this is how you are, the tricky part isn't acknowledging this behaviour in yourself, we both agreed that the hardest part would be figuring out how to change. Once you've built up a pattern of this kind of behaviour, your significant other or close friends will probably think that you've lost your mind and that there must be some outside force or person influencing you becaue 'change' will be so out of character.

Sometimes people decide to hold everything inside, rather than deal with it all, but then there's alsways the risk of the 'pressure cooker' effect. So much is held inside for so long that the person starts letting off pressure in sharp, violent bursts at random or at the drop of a hat. Now if there are people around saying, "Well all you need to do is express yourself better," that might not help, because what I've found is that unless you're expressing the view that people want to hear, then you could be an orator worthy of Toastmasters International, it won't make one whit of a difference.

I think that one of the key things though is to stick to that desire to change. It's never easy, and other people will always be resistant to the change because let's face it, the person probably let the significant other/friends get really comfortable with the old situation.

Life... definitely not a box of chocolates. But to be honest, there is some sweet candy thrown in with all the sours.

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