Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money - That The Poor And Middle Class Do Not! by Robert T. Kiyosaki with Sharon L. Lechter... it's a really good book, which I'd definitely recommend to anyone. You've got to read it carefully though because there are many differences between the US and Jamaican legal and tax systems, and just our cultures in general (for example, I've never really heard of a Jamaican talking about their car as an asset, I mean let's face it, you're more likely to lose the whole thing in one of these pot holes, so unless it's running a robot taxi, a car out here is just not an asset).

There are good tips though, especially the main tip which is just to enhance your financial intelligence - which is something we're not taught in schools. Trust me, get the book it's worth it.

Here's a diagram that I randomly found online that describes something talkd about in the book. It shows why how the middle class spends their money doesn't add up to them becoming rich because instead of buy stocks/bonds etc that add to the asset columns, the middle class only spend their income on expenses like food/credit card and liabilities like home (mortgage, tax etc):

This is the website I got that diagram from Click Here.

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