Work, work...

Is it possible to suffer from burn out at week three? I certainly think so. Yesterday we got done with TA 1h4 45 mins earlier than we did last week. But then on my way out I got extra work to do in addition to DGS... last night I stopped off at Golden Bowl and treated myself to some soup and fried wontons (while the traffic ran off) and then came in and took a shower. I'm going to have to take an active approach to making sure I get down time. So yesterday I just relaxed watched 54 on TV, saw the ad for MTV's Sweet Sixteen and read for a little then went to bed. J called me later in the night and we had a nice talk and then it was back to bed. Unfortunately though for some reason I woke up this morning with a bitch headache. I'm guessing it's because the pillow flattened out a whole lot last night but oh well, I'll just grab two painkillers and take them with me to work.

Well time to grab my tea and go join the traffic... Oh but before I go, today's ODB had a really cool saying -- at least for me anyway -- at the bottom Tact is the ability to make a point without making an enemy. Okay, I'm really gone now...

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