So much for family

So I come down this morning to see 'London Terror' on CNN. Jason's a sleep and none of these people here had the decency to say to me, 'Kim, call your Aunt Pat and your cousin Laura to see if they're okay.' I mean they do live in London and all. Other family members can call to say they've spoken to their brothers and they're okay but no one thinks of my Aunt and cousin? You know what, I think I expect too much, my mom is dead and all, so their ties with her family are cut, 'till death do us part' was the vow. And it's only after I'm complaining to my mother-in-law on the phone how nobody don't ask me anything that I do infact hear some commentary on the situation. Now of course I can't get through, there's a hurricane coming so that means the lines are jammed anyway and then now with this it's like 9/11 all over again, phone lines jammed solid. *sigh* I went upstairs and woke J and he's definitely concerned--this is why I married him, we're very like-minded--but anyway, I think I'll take his advice to 'stay calm' because right now my heart is racing a mile a minute and this doesn't feel good at all.

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