The Saturday Shuffle

It's done by Mom's all over the world. Wake up early to get a head start before the kids are up. Do whatever chores are needed (i.e. picking up after the kids and the husband). Then get ready for the probably lengthy list of other things you have to do that day. In my case I get the baby's food ready and fold whatever laundry I might have dried from the night before. Then I clean out the fridge, write down what we need at the supermarket and go through my coupons. If I'm lucky then I'll have time to plan the dinner menu for the week and scribble on my shopping list appropriately.

Then it's off to the bathroom, which I clean before I shower - actually if I was too tired to clean the kitchen on Friday night, then that's a pre-Saturday Shuffle chore as well - and then I get going. By the time I'm out the shower Moo has usually heard all the shuffling and is demanding to be let out to explore and be fed.

Depending on J's schedule, I get to leave Daddy and baby to play together while I zip off to the supermarket... thankfully, that's more often that not. Any one (Mom or Dad) knows it's murder to do any form of proper shopping with an inquisitive baby in tow. On that note, single parents you have my utmost respect, because most of you have no respite and manage to do everything with all the children right there with you.

With that said, it's time to get going. I'll have some Mommy time later today, going to get my hair relaxed and go to a baby shower sans the baby (7p.m. is a bit too late for the Miss).

Note: Yesterday's 'blog' was more blog maintenance than anything else. I deleted broken links from the menu on the right and also added a counter at the bottom.


Dee said...

Good Morning! Hope you have a great day today! Just an FYI... I am starting my own radio show! Ha Ha. Well keep on blogging, I love to read it. I added yours and my firend Mike's to my page.

Love & Hugs.
Dee & Silas

slybabyk said...

Dee: You are?! Okay, I want details!! I'm going to call you later :p *hugs*

Dee said...

I have an adorable avatar I found... it is perfect for Mae!
