Top reasons not to marry a car chick

Who says you can't find cool stuff on a VW website. This is one of the best articles I've seen in a long time. It's called Top 10 Reasons Not to Marry a Car Chick and while some of them are definitely not me (J has more tools and better quality tools than I do, hehehe do I get brownie points for buying the Craftsman ones? LOL) and I sure as hell would never dream of telling him what car to buy, or what engine would best suit him, but here are the two excerpts that struck me the most:

Top 10 Reasons Not to Marry a Car Chick (excerpts)

By: Katherine Helmetag

I get it every time. “I wish my GF/wife/SO was like you!” No. You don’t. I am a car chick, and you don’t want to be attached to a car chick. You want to run. Far, far away. And I am going to tell you why it sucks to be married to me.

Third. OMG, OMG, OMG, thank you, honey! What an incredible surprise! I knew you loved me! That turbo kit you found on eBay? The one you bought and didn’t tell me about? Well, it fits my car too. And since it arrived while you were away on a business trip and I had no way of knowing whose car it was for, I already have it installed. On my car. I love you!

Ten. You love me for being a car chick, and you hate yourself for putting up with it. If you do manage to put up with it (glutton for punishment, you are), you are going to wonder why all your friends don’t find car chicks of their own. Mostly so they will leave me alone. Let’s face it, I get more attention than you or your car does no matter where we go. Even worse, I go away sometimes just to do car things with car guys. I will probably have a guy as a co-driver, too. I behave myself when I’m away, but you have no way of knowing that. You are just going to have to trust me.

You can read the full article here: Top 10 Reasons Not to Marry a Car Chick


Anonymous said...

I like the brand name tools. better to spend a little more and get good stuff. The older craftsman are good...the new hype stuff I'm not so sure.

What does Jason say about the car chick marrying thing? :)

slybabyk said...

Brand name tools seem to last longer. My Dad gave me some tools that apparently came free from Courts and while using the wrench I managed to twist the little nib that the socket sits on :(

As for Craftsman, if it breaks, we take them right back to Sears :p

Jason hasn't really said anything ehehehe except that he thought #3 was very funny, and that he'll remember the article because it's good to know.