Got Haka?

I like finding out about other cultures. I think that's why I took to Holland so well. Everything was so different, down to even having tea at someone's house and how you wish people happy birthday (all close family members and friends get congratulated in addition to the birthday boy or girl).

The Haka is a traditional New Zealand dance. I've got a friend in NZ (I'm not idle enough to just roam the internet for this stuff yet LOL) and that's how I found out about the All Blacks, their Rugby Union team, and their Haka. Anyway, the All Blacks (which isn't an all black team by the way LOL) have a new Haka and the video is here:

Captain Umaga leads the All Blacks in their new Haka, 'Kapa o Pango'

I just think it's interesting to see white people beating on themselves in a manner that I guess we usually associate with Africans or just black people :) I'm not trying to be disparaging or anything, but just watch and see for yourselves...

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