
Lately I've been listening to what I say to other people and I realise that I've become a very bitter person. I'd love to blame it on my current PMS state, but I have a sneaky suspicion that my cycle has nothing to do with this. Someone recently said to me that I have to make myself happy first. And it's something I've always known, but I guess I'd kind of moved away from. I think that I have to find a way to accept the situations that are tossed my way. And you know what's funny? It's not the situations over which I have no control that are making me bitter, which is what seems to happen with most people. It's the situations that maybe if we had time machines I could change that I sit and wrack my brain over. I think I just need to accept that they both actually fall into the same category: things that cannot be changed that just need to be accepted.

I think I'm going to make this 'Say No to Bitterness' week.

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