Low Self Esteem

I hate it when my low self esteem rears its ugly head. It just leaves a despondent feeling in my tummy (which is already upset). I'm definitely not going to look through J's Hi5 friend list again. It's so funny that he's always talking about my 'fabulous friends' and how I have more friends than he does but he has over 50 more people on his list than I do. (Well, this is only relevant if you use Hi5 to judge your friends.)

Argh, I'm chatting faught and I know it :-( It's just that 3/4 of the girls on his list are stunning and I just feel like a skinny stick. There's no need to email me or comment on the list of reasons why I shouldn't feel this way. J points them out all the time, but I'm still jealous. No matter what anyone says, long hair and big breasts are what the general male populace goes for. The only things I have going for me are my height, my weight (which also counts just as much as a negative) and at risk of sounding shallow, my complexion.

I'm complaining, I know. I'm not ugly. I know that too, but I think I've always had a secret desire to make men stop in their tracks. *sigh* I'm going to stop now, analysing how I feel is just depressing me even more. I'm going to go and read a book and immerse myself in someone else's hangups, because this isn't a problem, it's definitely just a hangup.


Anonymous said...

ok, here's the deal, i know you know, but I still wanted to say it:
Long hair and big breasts may be what the general male population goes for, yes, but the keyword here is GENERAL, which means that there's loads of males who do NOT go for that! And, you've got a damn hot husband.. there's loads of long haired big breasted women out there who do not have such a good-looking guy, let alone a husband!
I'm glad to hear it's just a hangup but I still wanted to cheer you up a little bit and give you loads and loads of *hugs* and tell you that you're by no means ugly you gorgeous you!!!
:D :D :D

slybabyk said...

awww Clau *teary-eyed hug* i guess sometimes i'm just wondering if maybe Jas made a mistake and i know that's so absolutely not fair! we're married for christssake, that could never have been a fly-by-night announcement on his part...

and i DO believe that he's cared about me for years (i mean, i've been mad about him for years too!)

but you're absolutely right, it's a hangup i need to get rid of because while hubby seems to adhere to the general rule for his eye candy... he did in fact marry me :-)