Survey Says...

That this is what men want...

And I know damn sure that I do not have an ass like that... but at least my hair is real! LOL


Anonymous said...

my god.. that's no ass.. that's like.. a... a.. coffeetable or something!! yikes! it freaks me out!
trust me Kim, there aren't many men that want something like that.. some will of course, the ones that go for asses maybe.. but others definitely DON'T! geezz.. where did you find this survey anyway, did it say what sample they used? i bet it were like 50 prisoners or something. Like, definitely, very few, highly frustrated men.
Will you please (!!!) get out of your hangup?? i don't know you like this.. you need to get back to your happy Kimmie self!! why don't you go through old photoalbums, find some pics where you look really nice.. i know you have them because i've seen some of them with my own eyes!! :D
ok, that was my peptalk for the day.. :)
luvya!! *hugs*

slybabyk said...

hehehe remember this would be for Jamaica and a goodly amount of black americans in the states... an ass like that would scare this piss out of a european i think! LOL

but Clau we've all got hangups... by this morning I'd actually forgotten about this pic, I'm more focused on getting my a/c compressor installed sometime this week! most of us-me included-only remember our hang ups when we come face to face with them.

for example, i always have people telling me that they hate being short and they've always wanted more height, and that's because they've come across me and my 6'2" self. and then they're the women that tell me they want to look like me because i'm so skinny when i'd gladly take some of their weight off them :-D

hangups are only a problem if you start doing negative things because of them (and no i don't think bitching on my blog is too negative *giggle*) but seriously, like if i went out and started selling my belongings to go do plastic surgery to change myself, or started taking steroids or something THEN i'd definitely give you permission to come and slap some sense into me!

Anonymous said...

Is that shit legal?
Daaaamn i agree.. dat ain't no ass, looks like she's tryna smuggle in an elephant or something. Thats definately not my kinda gurl. I love dark hair, brown eyes and brown skin.. but that kinda ass is just toooo big, can't speak for all guys but that just aint me.

slybabyk said...

ehehehe yeah most comments i've gotten about this picture include 'freak' somewhere in there... so normal sized girls for wifey and freaks for pinups seems to be the general consensus... that i can live with :p ahhh i'm over my hangup :D

Anonymous said...

who cares about real hair when they looking at that arse?

slybabyk said...

see Clau... and I know exactly who that is too *dwl*
that's what men want... the question is now, once they get it and there's nothing more to the person than the ass... what happens then?