Sit back and relax

I usually get my best blog quotes in the shower. But then by the time I get to a computer it's an hour and a half later and the flashes of brilliance (well that's what my 6th form Econ teacher used to call them anyway) are long gone. And now that I have the time I can't think of anything to talk about, so I'm just typing. Let's see, big things that happened this week.

Oh! I start school at UCC on Monday September 5. My biggest fear is that my program isn't accredited yet. And fnding this out only after I made my payment for the first semester is all my fault. Initially I'd applied to do the Associate in Business Administration and I did all the research for that course, it's accredited with the UCJ (Jamaican college accreditation people) under the Institute of Management Studies (IMS), it's a fairly long running program. But then I got a call one day in July saying that because I have over 60 hours of college credit by way of my BA in Social Sciences, I qualify to get the BSc in Biz Admin in only two years, would I like to do that, they asked. And I, of course said yes. I mean who wouldn't want to do a Bachelors in the same time it takes to do the Associates for only a little bit more money?

Then at orientation on Thursday night as the VP of Academic Affairs spoke I just got a sinking feeling in my tummy. So when my Biz Admin coordinator got up to speak in our breakout session I asked, and was told no, the BSc isn't accredited yet because the first class graduates next year and UCC needs to graduate one class from the program before they can apply for accreditation.

Honestly though, I'm not daunted, UCU had only graduated its first class the year when I started... but then the little voice in the back of my head reminds me that Universiteit Utrecht (the parent institution) is well over 300 years old. Well, I have to at least go through a semester because I wouldn't be getting back my money in full if I withdraw now. I'm also trying to get in touch with the admin people at BPCC to see how I could arrange to transfer my credits so that when I go home I can pick up there... and if BPCC will take these credits, then I'll have absolutely no problems at all.

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