WARNING: PMS, need I say more?

PMS has distorted my view of reality and has me jumping to the wrong conclusions, acting ridiculously spoilt, pushing war with everybody and generally just being a complete pain is the ass.

The sad thing is that for me I get PMS the week before AND the week after the actual week itself. So I'm left with what? Only 12 weeks of sanity out of the year? If you ask me we women got the short end of the stick in this department. I'd just as soon do without the hormone imbalances, the water retention aka bloating aka becoming fat, as if dealing with the agony of cramps isn't enough?

Okay, let me stop bitching, today was a good day, ummm let's see, oh yeah, my Dad took me out to dinner at Gloria's a nice fish joint in Port Royal right across from the police station. That was pretty good, except that thanks to PMS I lost my appetite half way through what was actually a really nice escoveitched fish and then promptly passed out on the ride back to the house.

Right now I'm fighting sleep so that I'll be up when J gets home from Wing Stop so we can chat for a bit and play dominos together on Y! Messenger. Ooo speaking of which it's time to change my avatar!

And the hormone rollercoaster continues...

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