Really warm weather...

It's so hot today it's unbelievable. I have the fan here in the living room on full blast and it's only just keeping the heat (and the mosquitos) at bay. Normally my Dad has a problem with fan's being on high but luckily he hasn't said anything. I'm so tempted to go and just fill the bathtub with ice cold water and go and just sit and do nothing except maybe read my book. He just checked the temperature gauge and it's about 87 degrees inside the house, which means it must be at least mid-90s outside. Thank goodness I don't have anything else to go and do on ther road!

This morning I went with a friend to pick up the S12 I'm supposed to drive in this weekend's upcoming dexterity event and transport it down to be parked at my mother-in-law's restaurant. "Thunder" is a LHD like my Q so I'm no longer as terrified of the car. J kept saying how I must be careful else I'll drive off into a ditch so my heart was in my throat just to back the car out a spot and park it somewhere else but I didn't stall and nothing weird happened so that feeling is past. Now I'm looking forward to the dexterity this Sunday :)

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