More to pack than my suitcase

Months ago, a good friend cautioned me not to spend so much time fundraising for my mission trip that I forgot to prepare my heart. That stuck with me because I got realization that it's probably possibly to have all the money to go on a trip debt free, but still arrive in country with a bankrupt heart.


I definitely don't want that to be me.

Today, I discovered Prepare My Mission, and tonight I started working through the site's "unpacking" questions about the purpose of your trip and how to stay in a place of grace no matter what situations you face on your trip. 

Here's the link. Enjoy...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing this! I think that we could all benefit from reading this. Not only in missions, but in any area or capacity of serving! So many times, there are those who serve just to serve, or just to be a part of something, without any passion or emotions invested. It shows!