The Strain of the Eye Doctor Appointment

You know how some people hate going to the dentist like it's poison? To the point where they know something's wrong but refuse to go until their teeth are almost falling out. My Moms was like that, God rest her soul. The blood would drain from her face just seeing the dentist's sign much less the ordeal it was when she actually had to go. Well this is exactly how I feel about the optometrist. I intensely dislike going and the only reason I keep to going regularly is because I dearly love being able to see and if I lost my sight then I wouldn't be able to drive and in general life would just become much harder than it already is.

So I had an appointment for 10AM. Unlike the store I went to while I was in Holland you had a pre-screening before you actually got to see the doctor. So twice the embarassment. Why does going to the optometrist embarass me? Well even with my contact lenses in I could only see down to the third line on the chart, bearing in mind that the first line is that big 'E'. With my left eye? All the way down the chart with a bit of squinting to get the last two lines right. Now I knew this place was hardcore cause out came the contact lenses. If I was anymore light skinned the girl would've seen me trun beet red because as I sat down at the two screening machines (which were much closer that where I'd stood originally read the chart) I couldn't even see the bloody 'E' with my right eye. Two more tests and then back into the waiting room to sit tight till the doctor was ready.

I'd deliberately starved myself this morning, no breakfast, no tea, nothing. By the time I got into I was finally seen by the doctor so my stomach was behaving quite badly and I'm not sure if it was the mortification of my stomach grumbling loudly or the obvious shock on the doctor's face that had me wanting to sink into the floor.

But for the first time in my life I know why my right eye's vision is so bad and doesn't react much to corrective lenses. Apparently the back of my eye isn't curved properly it pokes out just a bit stretching the nerves.

I still felt depressed when I left (-5.25 left and -10.00 right is a high prescription) but at least now I know where I stand. And that's always good to know. Well off to the Sims 2 :-)

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