Can I be included in Mother's Day?

It's one of the view thoughts that's made me smile today. This is definitely one of the worst days I've had in recent memory. I had a proposal to give to my boss to take to the big weekly meeting here at work, I've got the pedal a bit more to the metal heading to work to give it in on time and wouldn't you know it... my car dies right at the intersection of Westminster and Sandringham in Eastwood Park. Just some belt noises, complete shut off and a puff of smoke that disappated by the time I opened the bonnet.

Luckily two passing gentlemen pushed the car onto the sidewalk and I proceeded to leave it there and head to work, having been offered a ride by one of the guy's and his girlfriend. So hand in proposal, head into department meeting. Mind you all I had this morning was a cup of tea because I'd said to myself, "Okay, I'll just grab breakfast at the canteen after I hand in the proposal." Right. Fast forward to 12:30, I still haven't eaten and I'm meeting a wrecker service to get my car off to a garage.

Alot else has gone wrong but I'm near to tears right now as it is and I can't bear to rehash everything else. And the only thing that has made me smile today was looking at after signing out of Hotmail and seeing that Mother's Day is coming up. Yes, that brings sadness too... I don't have my Moms anymore. But maybe I'll get a Mother's Day present this year. That would be nice. But even if I don't, I'll still be able to rub my belly and smile.


Mad Bull said...

Sorry about the ruff day, but hey, they happen to all of us. You prolly got thru it ok...

slybabyk said...

thanks mad bull. i did get through it ok. i guess God's just preparing me for when the baby comes and things will pull me in 6 diff directions at once :)

Scratchie said...

yup it is good for the mothers day thing....wait your turn and stop trying to skip the line :D

slybabyk said...

@ scratchie... darn it lol. well, it's just one more year i suppose :p