Matter over mind

I suppose I had been hoping to keep the morning sickness away with a positive, I-won't-allow-myself-to-be-sick attitude, but somethings are really matter over mind. I feel awful. I'm here at work and I'm just exhausted. I'm here walking around in flipflops (my heels are right here by my desk) because I don't think I could manage to balance in heels right now. It's only 4:00 pm and I've already eaten three meals for the day. About half an hour ago I nearly threw-up, which nearly brought me to tears because I NEVER throw up. I wish my Mom were still alive so that I could appologize to her for putting her through this, because this is uncomfortable to say the least. I'm sure a nice cup of Ginger Mint tea would do a world to improve how I'm feeling write now, but getting that here would be like getting ice cream cones delivered to the middle of the Sahara. I want to lay my head on my keyboard and howl. But at least I managed to get through a lot of what I had to do early, so hopefully I won't be here too late tonight. Last night we were here until 10:30 pm, and I was NOT pleased. And then to top it off, I blaze home in under 15 minutes to fall into the bed and then I'm lying there and my stomach starts rumbling, and it wouldn't stop. I actually had to get back out of bed to go and have crackers and jelly and some water before it would settle down for me to go to sleep. And then nowadays my body temperature, which is ordinarily quite cool, seems to have shot up, but I couldn't turn the fan up any higher because that made me cold, I couldn't ditch the blanket because then I'd be cold, and I was too hot all at the same time. Yes, don't mistake this for anything other than the rant that it is! Some of the people I know here at work are very cool and I've told them that I'm preggers and all, but I don't feel comfy launching into an all out rant with any of them. The ranting mood is waning though. Ahh, blog therapy really works wonders.



Scratchie said...

What can I say...New expectant mothers ......;) mello dramatic and all....alright cool yuh foot and don't bother cuss...I'm only giving yuh trouble. Yuh soon feel better

slybabyk said...

ROFL... and you know that i did done dramatic from the get go :-p but one of my friends gave me a tip that i also found online about eating crackers before going to bed and and before going to bed in the morning. so far it's working like a charm :)