On Saturday I had the time of my life. I FINALLY went to a motorsports event and drove just as - if not more - aggressively than I do on the road. J treated me to an autocross in Pensacola for Mother's Day and I managed to eek by and beat him by 0.3 seconds... mind you only on a technicality because he hit a cone on his last run. (We may have even won a trophy but no official results yet. I guess they won't be as quick about it because it was put on by a shop and not the SCCA.)

As you can see, the blogging everyday hasn't quite been working. Last week the girl took down really sick, had to pick her up at day care on two days. J got her on Monday and brought her home and she had to have an antibiotic injection Tuesday because her temp was 104. Scariest moments of my life.

I love that little girl with all my heart.


Scratchie said...

I saw the second place posted by wheels. congrats!!

slybabyk said...

Thanks Scratchie!