Pack it like a pro

My vacation started at 5:36 p.m. That's when I finished work, which was a marathon session because my boss was out today. My coworkers stepped up and helped out though. Even the editor-in-chief was helping out, much to the shock of everyone else. We leave tomorrow night to drive to Orlando to catch our flight to Jamaica. And I've just started packing tonight. One of my friends was in shock that I hadn't started since last week. I have a coworker who feels the same. She started packing a month ago for her cruise... that doesn't happen until May lol

For some reason I've become a pretty good packer since I went off to college. I always forget something, but never anything I can't do without. (It was good Moo and I were only overnighting that time last year when I forgot all her hair clips.) But as my Mom used to say, once you've got the passport and the plane tickets, you're pretty much covered. (This came one holiday when we set off to the airport and realized my passport was still at home. My father was not pleased.)

So here are my packing tips:
  1. Lay everything out on the bed, including hair stuff, toiletries, jewelry, shoes on the floor nearby, everything before you start. It's easier to see what you're packing and ensure that you have everything.
  2. The earlier in advance you start, the more things you're likely to forget (for me anyway).
  3. Wrap any liquid toiletries in plastic bags. Run out of bags? Tape down the tops if necessary. (This also works great to ensure eye shadows don't pop open!)
  4. Wrap your shoes, too. Nothing worse than having those road-tested sneakers becoming intimate with your favorite shirt during the trip to your destination.
  5. Keep your jewelry with you at all times. I had a lot of mine stolen when I went to Greece because I didn't carry it on with me. Especially because you can't lock your bags in the US anymore, this should've actually been Rule No. 1.
  6. If possible, carry a spare change of clothes and your can't-live-without toiletries in your hand luggage. It's not cute when your luggage gets lost and all you've got is what's on your back. If you've traveling with a small child, then you know this is just mandatory stuff. (When she was 6 weeks old, Moo Moo went through 5 sets of clothes on our way to Jamaica — including a set of my clothes.)
More later, I'm going to go to bed and finish up tomorrow.


Nickie Nix said...

Before I actually start packing... when I just start thinking about packing in fact.. I make a list of everything I need to pack.. when it's time to pack.. I go according to the list.. and when it's time to come back home.. you have the list as a check off so you don't forget to bring back anything. Works for me :)

slybabyk said...

lol looking back at this i'm sure those who know me and know what happened on this vacation must be dying with laugh... ahh pride surely does come before a fall :-)