The Value Of Time

To realize the value of ONE YEARAsk a student who has failed his exam.

To realize the value of ONE MONTHAsk a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.

To realize the value of ONE WEEKAsk an editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize the value of ONE DAYAsk a daily wage laborer.

To realize the value of ONE HOURAsk the lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realize the value of ONE MINUTEAsk a person who has missed the train.

To realize the value of ONE SECONDAsk a person who has survived an accident.

To realize the value of ONE MILLISECONDAsk the person who has won a silver medal in Olympics.

To realize the value of ONE MICROSECONDAsk a NASA scientist.

And if you still don't realize the value of time you must be a cable installer.

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