Not so slowly... but definitely surely

Time operates in such a weird way. While last week felt like it too forever, this week has gone by in a blur. Still everything seems to be going slowly in terms of our pregnancy. But then not really because we can actually see Mae's due date as its circled on our calendar. I can't explain it. If you're confused by what I'm trying to say, just chalk it up to a 'placenta' moment. Which according to one of the midwives is the whole forgetfulness and spaciness that some pregnant women go through. (That's the card I got to hand in at the hospital, so rather than the person on call from the clinic, I can have one of the midwives at my labour and delivery.)

Anyway, we had another OB appointment today. J was able to get off work for a bit to come with me, which I really love since he wasn't able to be there for the first seven or so months because he was here and I was in JA. (He's been having fun assembling baby things, like the bassinet we were given - thanks EP!) I've gained more weight, - nothing out of control - and my blood pressure is low, but still okay for a pregnant woman. The great news is that Mae's getting ready to come out! (If you don't understand preggo-jargon, skip the rest of this paragraph lol) I'm already 3cm dilated, there's 80% effacement or thinning of the cervix and the midwife could feel her head. I didn't know whether to freak out or smile when she said the part about the head, but when I glanced over at J he was so pale that I couldn't help but smile.

Other than that I'm realising how much I'll miss my cousin and her friend when they leave in about a week. It's been so nice having the two of them here, not just to help with the unpacking, cooking and cleaning, but to have someone to talk to during the day. You wouldn't believe how alone you can feel when you go from a job where you're always talking and interacting with a lot of people to being by yourself at home all day. I think back and maybe that's why the first couple months of our marriage were so rocky. I'd just left college where I lived in a house with ten or so people, went to classes with at least 20 other students and ate meals in a dining hall that could hold hundreds. At least I know what to look out for this time around so there'll be no need for the severe crankiness :-)

1 comment:

Mad Bull said...

Good luck with the stay-at-home thing and happy landings!