Taking Time

My Aunt P recently visited with us for Thanksgiving... well, actually to come and see the little one for the first time. Thanksgiving was just a bonus. I love seeing my AP because she's my Mom's younger sister and it's always nice to hear stories about my Mom, but as my relationship with my Aunt has grown since my Mom passed I've come to love my AP more as her own person. Not sure if that makes sense, but to me it's now more of liking AP for her stories and the way she sees the world and the advice she imparts, as well as her being a link to my Mom.

One of the biggest things she left with me this time (apart from the amazing olive oil tip!) is the value of taking time to look after yourself. Yes, I eat healthy (or do my best to *eyeing cookie box on kitchen counter*) and I get enough rest but my AP taught me the value for taking time for myself. As always, nothing puts things into perspective like having a baby and I suppose it took Moo to make me understand that it's not a timewasting indulgence to pamper myself - and it doesn't have to be in a big way either.

Mind you I wouldn't mind being able to jet off to a weekend spa retreat but part of being a mom is definitely being practical and my AP helped here as well by showing me loads of little things that I can do (to be honest I'm not quite sure she realizes the big impact she had!). So these days my home smells like a delightful mix of McIntosh apples, cranberries, sandalwood and a wonderful Yankee Candle fragrance called 'Home Sweet Home'. In the evenings while J clicks away at the computer, I've stopped staring at his back waiting for him to make conversation, I either initiate talk-time myself, or I snuggle in the couch with a good book and a glass of wine, enjoying the play of the lights on the Christmas tree. And I give myself a mini-spa treatment every bath time with flavours like Mango and Bath & Body Work's delicious Japanese Cherry Blossom.

Yup, life is simple... but life is good.

Isn't this ornament precious? I found it at Dillard's last week :)

1 comment:

Yamfoot said...

you can probably email the link to this blog entry to AP to let her know the impact she had.