
A second ago it dawned on me that if I wait until I "have time" to sit and do a long blog post then you all might never hear from me again! So although I know the Miss is supposed to wake up any minute now, I'm going to hammer off a short post because this is reall great news!

Well, J and I have been in the process of filing for my permanent residency here and this month marked a succesful end to what has been a two year process. Now I know in the grand scheme of things and the way immigration matters go, two years is a really short time, but because I wasn't allowed to live in the US meanwhile everything was being processed, J and I have been apart for most of our marriage! (Thankfully we have credit cards and J had lots of leave stored up.)

So finally I'm not only back in the States, but as my friend just said on MSN I'm also "finally stable". Don't worry though, I definitely know that foreign is not a bed of roses and to be honest migrating is bittersweet... let's face it, there's nothing to match the extended family and friend network we both have in Jamaica, and the way of life on the rock might be hard and unsafe at times but there's a level of comfort there that you'll never experience anywhere else.

Anyway, on that note let me sign off... but not before adding that the Miss' first Halloween was a blast. I decked her out in her Milky Moo costume and she was so tired that she pretty much just chilled and slept meanwhile we trick or treated with my friends and their kids. Well, time to nap while I can.



Mad Bull said...

Congratulations. Make sure your daughter does well in school or its Iraq for her! ;-)

slybabyk said...

lol@madbull... well, she's an air force brat as it is, so who's to say she won't simply want to follow in her daddy's footsteps... hmm, at least he hasn't been to iraq, so maybe he doesn't fall into that bracket hehehe

Yamfoot said...

what a cutey pie

slybabyk said...

thanks yamfoot :)