Me + Nicaragua = Missionary

After rereading a few of my old blog posts, I think expressing my upcoming mission trip as an equation (Me + Nicaragua = Missionary) has really hit home to me how different my life is from the last time I posted. But seriously, more on that later...

This post is a quick overview about what's on deck for this November when I head down to Nicaragua for my first short-term mission trip. I'm excited and I'm anxious, and both emotions have mixed together and fragmented into bright pink and yellow polka dots that bubble and fizz inside me whenever I think about the trip. 

I go to Victory World Church, and we're partnering with Life Link International to help change lives in Nicaragua, where Life Link has worked throughout the past 10 years to offer medical clinics and introduce an education facility and running water. I'll post more information about the trip soon, but if you'd like to make a donation, click here for a post that explains what to do.

It's been a long time...

My last post date on this blog was more than 4 years ago.


So much has happened in the past 4 years that I know I'll never be able to summarize everything in one blog post.

So all I'd like to say right now is I'm back. Well, not just that I'm back. I'm back, but I'm also different because the biggest change that's happened in the last 4 years is that on August 29, 2013, I made the decision to let go and give my lift to Jesus Christ, to ask Him to be my Lord and my Savior, and to accept Him as my friend.